Ημερομηνία-Ώρα: Friday, April 15, 2011 - 19:00 to 21:00Moderator/s: Απόστολος ΑποστολίδηςΝίκος Σοφικίτης Lower Urinary Tract: getting to know receptors and cell function Speaker: Δημήτρης Κούβελας Urethral function: from receptors to the CNS role Speaker: Απόστολος Αποστολίδης Basic Research Models: what have they taught us about LUTS? The role of Ischaemia, F. Dimitriadis The function of the Detrusor, L. Vardouli The function of the Urothelium, Α. Voultsiadou ‹ Seminar Ι - Urodynamic Screening: from A to Z up Greetings ›
Basic Research Models: what have they taught us about LUTS? The role of Ischaemia, F. Dimitriadis The function of the Detrusor, L. Vardouli The function of the Urothelium, Α. Voultsiadou